Posts Tagged ‘TEXT reminders’

Dentists can reduce no-show by using new communication technology

February 3, 2010

Like any other businesses dental industry is also suffering from economic downturn. In this tough economy there are high chances that patients miss their routine appointments. Money lost on missed appointments can quickly become a burden on the businesses. To fight this rising concern, dental professionals need to start relying on newer tools to make sure that their no-shows get reduced.

E-mail, TEXT/SMS, Voice reminders can be used very effectively to take care of no-show issue. Dental offices generally send a snail-mail but newer way of communication can be much more effective and cost-effective.

As we have discussed on other blog entries that TEXT messaging is not just for the youngsters anymore. According to Nielsen, the world’s leading marketing and Media Information Company; power moms are 35% more likely to use TEXT messaging/SMS on the go. With ever increasing penetration of smart phones and 3G networks, adults are more connected than ever before. The “Third Screen” is becoming a part of the life. All these facts are making a very good case that adults will be more acceptable to receive the reminders like dental reminders using newer communication channels than a post-card; which in fact might stay on the fridge (if it makes its way out from the junk mail) and might not be very effective reminder.

Role of TEXTing in tomorrow’s Healthcare

December 12, 2009

Reducing cost and improving quality of healthcare is one of the main concerns in today’s world. There are a lot of think tanks around the world working on this topic. One of the initiatives has started by Boston based non-profit organization mHealth Initiative, Inc. The organization is working on an approach called “participatory health”. In this approach all the stakeholders of the health system; providers, patients, payers, consumers, pharmacies, labs etc. need to have active participation in the system and the goal of this approach is to make people healthy.

To make this approach successful the organization is emphasizing on improved and simplified communications within stakeholders. The plan also talks about new communication-based disease management programs that would drastically reduce emergency and office visits, cutting healthcare costs in the process.

In this approach, TEXT messaging has a big role to play. Patients can take appointments using TEXT messages. Providers can send appointment and medication reminders to patients. Patients even can ask general enquiries, administrative or even non-healthcare related questions. Healthcare facilities can send Health promotions. Patients can reschedule appointments or ask for prescription refills.

All of this functionality is easily achievable but integrating this in existing systems to make it seamless is really a key here. Products like Hummingbytes communication APIs can come handy to deliver these solutions. The product delivers bi-directional communication and designed with open protocol.